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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy 36 birthday

So today is my 36th birthday and what makes it special is that my kids wished me for the first time. We are in malaysia ; spending birthday with husband after 4 years together. It's very sweet to hear your kids innocent talk about birthday. A was behind me saying happy Amma happy Amma and aa only wanted cake. She wouldn't have anything else.

Husband was as usual. It's very hard to decipher someone's masked intentions when you can't see the whole picture. Till the next time I console my heart saying picture Abhi baaki hai.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sleeping in our house alone

Sleeping in our house for the 1st time without R. Feels weird. But out of all the times I slept alone, now I have company. Feels alone but doesn't feel lonely

Friday, May 11, 2018

Tried mango for the 1st time

Mango season comes and I am immediately reminded of sikarne. Which is also known as srikhand in Maharashtra. It's my favourite and my mother always makes it in summers.Post marriage I would make it for my in-laws and remaining family but somehow there was lack of enthusiasm shown. Either they are not used to the taste or its eaten as dessert. My husband's newphew used to like eating it and when ever he would visit us during his summer holidays, I would make sikarne. I always used to wonder how would my kids react to it...whether they will like the taste or not.
Since we didn't have kids for almost 8years after marriage, it was an underlying feeling which kept raising its head every now and then.
Cut to today, when my kids loved the much that they kicked the bowl. I am elated and beyond many more years of such happiness to me

Friday, April 20, 2018

Happy 2nd birthday

So technically today my lill ones should have turned 2years old. But God wanted them to come out early. What could have and what should have is a constant part of my life. I pray that they should get all the love and happiness they deserve. For now they are happy eating cake and so am i

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

As I blink my eyes and both of my kids are already 2years old. I wanted to write this on their birthday but the day went by so fast that I just didn't find the time. I feel that time has just flown by before I could even enjoy their babydom. They are now called toddlers and everyone asks me ' has the terrible twos started '. I used to crib and complain on lack of sleep, social outings, food and probably 100 different things. It's so different now.

My daughters first official word is 'pizza' and my son's is 'car'. None of us taught them and I wonder how genes are so accurate. So many things I get to learn from my kids. My daughter is growing up to be independent. She wants to wear her own shoes, take bath, brush her teeth and even dress up before going out. PS - she loves putting on bindi and jewellery. She is kind and considerate towards her brother. offers him a share of any food she eats and always looks out for him. She is super naughty - licks off the ghee from diya, climbs stairs and runs off.on a moment notice,has to explore every bit of the toys.

My son loves to play with his ball and he is obsessed with cars and bikes. He can throw a fit if you try to get him off one. He always shares his food with everyone in the room and never asks for more. Both of them love to play with kids and sleep without any fuss. He is crawling and attempting to pull himself up but I wish he walks sooner. Though we didn't do anything eventful on their 2nd birthday few things be recorded -

We.finally moved to our house on 19th February on the day of their birthday. Only my parents decided to be a part of it. It's ok. People who matter to me and them were there. Few.friends came over and we had a great dinner with my brother and my best friend. We were laughing a lot. Maybe that's what we needed after a tiring day.

I am scared about the future. Will I be able to raise them in the best possible way ? What does the future hold. Will we as a family be able to enjoy our lives or will be a conditional one like it has been all the while. Guess we will not know unless we live through it. Let's hope and cross fingers

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

My 35th birthday

So 2017 marks my 35th year of birth or existence.
What's different from all the other birthday is that there is absolutely no plan to celebrate it.Prior marriage my parents would take us out or I would cut a cake. Post marriage my husband took the mantel of taking me out. Turns out most of my birthdays have been memorable whether it's my 25th year where I celebrated as newly wed, 26th year as alone in the world one, 29th birthday which was a surprise one in Goa or my 33rd one which was again a surprise family gathering. That was a special one as I was pregnant with my twins.

But life takes turns to surprise you. What started as the most special day of one's Life becomes mundane and regular. But I am not complaining ! After all I prayed for it to become regular and mundane. I can only count my blessings in the form of my kids who are my best birthday present ever for life..

So I am wishing myself a very happy birthday and I hope I get to see a better and brighter future for me and my loved ones.

Thursday, May 04, 2017

Anniversary ; A special one

I look towards sunlight
A dream I see shining bright
Of you and me , standing as we
Never have we felt this right
A tinge of happiness we hold on to tight
As we look towards the sunlight.